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Welcome to Organic Garden Cafe

a cafe for conscious eating

April 30th, 2011FUNdamentals of Rawfood with Chef Rawbert, founder of Organic Garden Cafe 

April 9, 2011Secrets of Dehydration: From Snacks to Savory Entrees with Chef Rawbert, founder of Organic Garden Cafe 

March 25, 2011Raw nutrition basics, understanding detox, basic cleansing programs, and alkalizing the body with alkaline foods.

December 11, 2010FREE EVENT: Vegan Author, Melanie Joy discusses people's perception on meat in america.

Oct 23rd, 30th, and Nov 6th 2010Kid's make their own Smoothie Class

October 17, 2010Just because it's Raw, Doesn't mean its Healthful Lecture with John Kohler 

October 3, 2010FREE EVENT: 'A Healing Journey on Raw Foods' with Brian & Jody Calvi from
Farm of Life, in Costa Rica

September 26th 2010FREE EVENT: Larch Hanson the Seaweed Man

August 8th 2010FREE EVENT: "Keys to Longevity and Vibrant Health" Craig B. Sommers, ND